Posts Tagged ‘OBE’

Astral Travel

January 21, 2008

Astral Travel

Astral Body is one more form of our Consciousness.
Astral Body travels by comming out of our physical body. This experience is called Out of Body Experience(O B E) or Astral Travel.
We do Astral Travel unconsciously in sleep. This we call as Dreams.
we can do Astral Travel consciously in Meditation.
Astral Body travels with a link called ‘Silver Chord’. Silver Chord is one more form of Consciousness which transmits messages from physical body to Astral Body and Astral Body to physical body. Silver chord is high vibrant whitish chord.
Astral Travel is the travel beyond time and space.
We travel to known and unknown frequencies. We can pass through all elements like earth, water, fire, ether and space.
By doing more and more Meditation, we obtain abundant Cosmic Energy. With this our Energy Body starts moving. This movement one experiences as jerks, movements in parts of the body or whole. This experience is called Astral Movements.
By more and more Meditation and with intent to do Astral Travel, energy in the Energy body starts accumulating at one point and comes out of the physical body with a link called ‘Silver Chord’. This Out of Body Experience (O B E ) gives great understanding.
We will understand that we are not just the body, but stays in the body.
It is great experience.

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